Welcome to Unlock your Social Media Confidence

Welcome to Unlock your Social Media Confidence

Hello and Welcome to Unlock your Social Media Confidence: 4 Steps to Sales with your Social Media Strategy -

Now is the time to begin to use your social media strategically to attract the clients you love and want to work with. 

Before we get started on our journey here are some things you need to know.

  • A full social media workbook and planner is available for you to download and refer back to in this section. Please make sure you save a copy and overwrite the master.
  • The programme is split into four easy to manage modules which will be released on Mondays.
  • You will have access to the programme and all the lessons for life. 
  • The lessons and tasks do vary slightly from week to week but you will need to allow around 3-4 hours to go through all the lessons and complete the tasks.
  • Do make sure you join the members-only Facebook Group and take the time to introduce yourselves and your businesses.
  • I will be on hand in the group to answer your questions and drive you along.
  • The modules are a mix of:
  • Short and long videos
  • Written lessons
  • Practical exercises
  • Additional workbooks please download and make a copy so you don't overwrite the master.

If you do have any questions then please post in the group or email me: [email protected] You can also use the comments section within the course.

You can download your Social Media Strategy Workbook and planner by clicking here

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